Label Confusion at the Market

You read labels at the supermarket so that you can make the healthiest choices for you and your family. But sometimes you get stumped: How do you decide between a container of pasta sauce with “reduced sodium” and another that’s labeled “low sodium”? Here’s a guide to...

Sugar: Can You Be Addicted?

When we say “Oh man, that dessert is sooo addictive or I HAVE to have my chocolate every night before bed,” we may actually have a neurochemicals or physiological response that could mean serious health implications. Although sugar isn’t considered a...

Our Spice Drawer=Natures Medicine

When most of us hear “eat foods high in antioxidants,” we think blueberries, kale and all other kinds of fruits and vegetable but what we don’t know, is that our spice drawer may also provide a variety of antioxidant rich flavor that we were unaware of. Turmeric,...

The Great Cholesterol Myth

To follow our healthy aging series, we thought you should know some truths about cholesterol and statins. Both of these things can have an impact on the way we each age. So what is the great Cholesterol Myth? The storyline behind this video was created by Dr. Jonny...

Healthy Aging- Protect Yourself Part 2

5. Protective Nutrients In this two part series, we are focusing on the types of nutrients that we consider protective.  Last time, we covered the first three, omega 3 fatty acids, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. In this post, we will cover functional nutrients,...