Ingredients for a Healthier Sauce
Many traditional gourmet sauces are very high in calories, fat (especially saturated), and cholesterol. This comes as a result of using the following ingredients in ample quantities:
- Butter
- Cream
- Half & half
- Whole sour cream
- Eggs, especially yolks
- Full fat cheeses
- Regular Mayonnaise
To cut the fat and cholesterol and change to healthier fats the following ingredient substitutions are recommended.
As first choice use olive, canola, safflower, flaxseed, sunflower & peanut oils which are low in saturated fats and high in mono & polyunsaturated fats. Flax & Canola have high heart healthy (alphalinolenic)omega 3 fatty acids content.
Another useful trick is to CUT IN HALF the fat called for in a recipe, or what you would normally use. This tactic makes a dramatic difference in nutrient values and calories without changing the flavor of a dish.
Other healthy choices and substitutions that work well to provide MAXIMUM flavor & minimal calories, fat and sugar are:
- For creamy consistency use non or lowfat sour cream, nonfat plain yogurt, lowfat evaporated milk, non fat powdered
- Mustards
- Vinegars – flavored are also great
- Fruit juices, purees, and salsas (citrus, apple, pomegranate, mango, pineapple)
- Vegetables & their juices, purees and salsas (V8 juice, squash purees, cucumber, carrot, celery, onion, garlic, shallots)
- Bean purees (great for soups, dips and sauces)
- Dried vegetables reconstituted mushrooms, sun dried tomato,
- Fresh Herbs and spices, dry herbs & spices
- Fat and salt free broths & stocks organic are usually the best
- Wine
- Blenderized fish & fish sauces (like tuna, anchovies) these tend to be very high in sodium so use sparingly
- Soy sauce (reduced sodium) and miso = soybean paste (great for soups & salad dressing