15 Ways To Get Your 5-A-Day

When it comes to eating fruits and vegetables, we’re reminded to eat at least “5 a day.” But for many of us, eating five or more servings each day can seem a bit daunting. Considering that we, on average, eat 3 meals a day, with 2-3 snacking occasions thrown into the...
Smart Snacking

Smart Snacking

Awhile back, it was common for many of us to sit down and eat three balanced meals a day. Occasionally we may have a snack here and there to hold us over or as a special treat but now there is food EVERYWHERE! There is food in the break room, vending machines at the...
Protein- Are you getting it all in?

Protein- Are you getting it all in?

We often hear about protein and how much to eat, where to get it from, and “oh hey try the latest and greatest powder or bar.” For many of us, if we are just aware of what we are eating we would come to find that we can make simply changes to our regular...

Summer Weight Loss- There is still time!

It’s July and you wonder where the summer has gone! But not only is there time to fit in that camping trip or beach volleyball game but there is still time to meet you summer weight loss goals and be bikini ready. Please ask me if summertime is the easiest time...