Fiber 101

Fiber 101

What is Fiber? Fiber is the indigestible portion of plant foods having two main components: soluble and insoluble. Soluble Fiber is fiber that is readily fermented in the colon into gases and physiologically active byproducts and Insoluble Fiber is considered a...

The Great Cholesterol Myth

To follow our healthy aging series, we thought you should know some truths about cholesterol and statins. Both of these things can have an impact on the way we each age. So what is the great Cholesterol Myth? The storyline behind this video was created by Dr. Jonny...

Healthy Aging- Protect Yourself Part 2

5. Protective Nutrients In this two part series, we are focusing on the types of nutrients that we consider protective.  Last time, we covered the first three, omega 3 fatty acids, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. In this post, we will cover functional nutrients,...

Healthy Aging- Protect Yourself

4. Protective Nutrients There are many nutrients in our foods that can act as protective agents to fight off sickness and disease. We need these on a daily basis to help us survive and stay healthy. The main types of nutrients include: protein, carbohydrates, fats,...

Healthy Aging- Detox Time

3. Detoxing Your Diet for Healthy Aging For healthier aging, detoxing your diet can be very beneficial. Detoxification means clearing the body of toxins, allowing the liver to clean itself so that it can function more efficiently and provide support to the other body...