Whole Turmeric is the best source for anti-infective Curcumin.

Grate it into any food you are eating, use it in smoothies, soup, casseroles, or make a “Tea” from it. Preferably buy it in its whole and “organic” form at your health food store, or farmers market type grocer. You can also get concentrated supplements.

Here is a new product which I recommend and use myself:

Turiva – from OrthoMolecular is a complete turmeric matrix. This means it contains all the valuable and effective components of the original tuber in a clean, concentrated form according to researched standardizations.

This is available through me until I run out, or through the Wellevate.me/donna-wolf-rd-clt site.

Read about the Front Microbial study on the anti-infective benefits of Curcumin here.