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Why do I Recommend ProLon® Fasting Mimicking Program as a Registered Dietitian?
Effective in Addressing Key Health Factors and Improving the Aging Process I recommend this fasting-mimicking program based on the research, the evidence, and plain old fashioned logic and nutrition history. This method of fasting is generally good for everyone, who...
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Recipes & Food
Gluten Free Pizza Crust & Focaccia Bread Recipe
Gluten Free Pizza Crust & Focaccia Bread This recipe is adapted from Bette Hagman’s first book The GlutenFree Gourmet. Healthy flours are part of this revised recipe. You may use brown rice flour if you can’t find the amaranth, buckwheat, or teff flour, although...
Leaky Gut, What It Is & Why It’s Significant
So many symptoms we experience on a daily basis are directly related to our nutritional fitness. The human body is a wonderfully made synergistic organism that continually seeks homeostasis, or balance, or as we understand it: good health. This is an ongoing daily...
Testimonial – Mick S.
I've had psoriatic arthritis for 15 years. The severity of my arthritis during the first 14 years was mild: 1-2 painful fingers which were easily treated with NSAIDS and often went into remission. During this past year, however, my arthritis became much worse, making...
Testimonial – Anna S
Donna Wolf and the LEAP protocol have helped me tremendously! Prior to the protocol I had constant nasal congestion and hay fever and constipation. I tried on my own to eat better, drink plenty of water and exercise, but my symptoms never improved. I was desperate to...
Healthy Directions For You
by donna wolf r.d.