The key to sticking to good habits is to focus on one habit at a time. Recent research has shown that it takes at least twenty-one days to implement a new habit. It can be overwhelming if you try to implement too many new habits all at once – so start with one at a time and follow this simple cheat sheet below.


Sometime over the next day or so, take twenty minutes out of your day and create a list of habits you want to add in or take out of your life. Prioritize them. Work on one habit at a time.

With this as a starting point – and with my help, it is my hope that you will be able to form healthier eating habits that enable you to make better food choices. Below is a list of five questions to start with that will help you create better eating habits. 

  1. When did you last eat? If it’s been longer then 2–4 hours, it’s time to eat, so that you don’t overeat when you finally get the chance to eat. 
  2. Where is the complete protein? Does your meal include a 3–4 oz. portion of protein? If not, find a lean protein source such as lean meat, fish, or a combination of grain and legume.
  3. Where are the veggies (preferably green ones)? Does your meal or snack include at least a cup raw or half a cup of cooked vegetables? Have them steamed or stir fried preferably, but make sure you have at least five servings per day. 
  4. Where are the carbs? If you have fat to lose, make sure that the carbs you are choosing are high-fiber, low-sugar carbs. Choose beans or lentils instead of bread, rice, pasta or potatoes. 
  5. Where are your fats coming from? Get your fats from mono-unsaturated sources such as olive oil, olives, avocado, and even chia or flaxseeds. You need to have a modest amount of fat throughout your day. They are essential for your health and also help to keep you feeling satisfied.


Next write out some future Behavioral Habit Goals:

Create a list of three behavioral goals you will implement over the course of the next six weeks. Focus each goal on one behavior you need to either extinguish or add into your life. 

  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________
  3. __________________________________________________________________

Together we can get you on track to living a fulfilling and healthy life! Give me a call today to get my expertise on how to make course corrections to head in a healthy direction through your food and lifestyle choices & habits.