Adverse food and chemical reactions include allergies, food & chemical sensitivities, food & chemical intolerances, and celiac/gluten intolerance. Each person’s body is different and knowing exactly how your body reacts to certain chemicals can help alleviate some of the negative effects associated with adverse food and chemical reactions such as fatigue, gas/bloating, headaches/migraines, inflammation, leaky gut and more.

The first thing you can do is to get tested and evaluated by a nutritionist to pinpoint the exact foods and chemicals that are negatively effecting your body and your health.

If you experience any of the issues listed below, you may benefit from sessions with me to learn all about the details involved in how one finds themselves with these issues, and what needs to be done to analyze the exact damage and initiate the appropriate medical nutrition therapy and supplements to detox, heal, repair, replenish and prevent further problems.

12 Top Food & Chemical Sensitivity Symptoms:

You don’t have to experience all of these to have them, and frequency & severity counts. 

1. Fatigue

2. Gas &/or Bloating

3. Diarrhea &/or Constipation

4. Anxiety/Depression

5. Headaches/Migraines

6. Brain Fog/Lack of Concentration

7. Mood Swings

8. Sinus Issues/Congestion

9. Joint or Muscle Pains/Stiffness/Cramping

10. Skin Issues/Rashes/Acne

11. Sleep Problems

12. Wheezing or Persistent Cough

Food & Chemical sensitivities can affect all organs and organ systems in the body, so a variety of diverse symptoms can occur throughout the body. Many of these symptoms are similar to leaky gut issues, because that is where the malfunction starts—in the gut, with inflammation and imbalances in the microbial population of the gut. Leaky gut, food & Chemical sensitivities, & malabsorption of nutrients go hand in hand, spinning the body out of health, and into a chronic disease.

Read more about leaky gut, what it is and why it’s significant in our blog all about leaky gut here.

Doctors are finally coming around to the truth about health and disease “prevention”. They are seeing that our diet doesn’t just affect our health but it has a direct correlation with our planetary health. Our planet is changing due to climate change, pollution, less agricultural land, and a growing population.

“Unhealthy diets pose a greater risk to morbidity and mortality than does unsafe sex and alcohol, drug, and tobacco use combined. Because much of the world’s population is inadequately nourished and many environmental systems and processes are pushed beyond safe boundaries by food production, a global transformation of the food system is urgently needed.”

According to a report by the EAT-Lancet Commission

We can make a difference by paying close attention to what we eat and how we think about food consumption. A dietitian can help to get you on the right track with your diet.

Contact me today to talk about your symptoms and what can be done to get you on track to better gut health and stop your chronic disease.

Call (858) 335-2140 or email